Learning to Listen with Cochlear Implants

We hear with our brain!

What we produce and say is intricately linked to how we perceive the information we hear.

Learning to listen with cochlear implants is a complex process where many different key elements must ‘go right’ at the same time for hearing to happen in the brain. Equipment needs to be in good working order. The listening environment must be set-up for success. The listener, adult or child, must have experiences learning to listen and process the information they hear through their equipment.

Alina Mills provides speech therapy that helps families, patients and school professionals learn the strategies to support this process. They can learn to check the sound processing equipment to ensure it is functioning and provides access to the sounds of speech at good listening levels. Strategies can be learned to support modifying the listening environment such as reducing background noise, using Mini-Mic technology, and teaching partners communication supports.

Alina develops individualized listening programs to support:

  • Sound discrimination skills
  • Processing of words, sentences, and complex language
  • Processing the grammatical structures of spoken language
  • Auditory memory skills
  • Understanding equipment and technology
  • Hearing advocacy skills
  • Transition from visual language to listening and spoken language

When all of these processes come together, you hear!